8:1), why pray for forgiveness? Aren't you praying for something that is already yours? 5:13).īut the question remains: Why are you supposed to seek God's forgiveness if He has already justified you? If justification takes care of sin past, present, and future, so there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ ( Rom. Verse 7 literally reads, "The blood of Jesus His Son keeps cleansingus from all sin," and verse 9 likewise says, "If we are continually confessing our sins." Those to whom John wrote were already fully forgiven believers (cf. In 1 John 1, the verb tenses show that confession and forgiveness should be a continuous experience. Some of those to whom He spoke were already born again. In the gospels, Christ taught believers to ask the Father to forgive their sins ( Matt. In each case the psalmist is already a believer, fully forgiven. 6 32 38 51 102 130 143), the psalmist is demonstrating the heart of a justified believer when he seeks forgiveness. In each one of the penitential psalms (Pss. The Bible clearly teaches that Christians should seek forgiveness. Rather than helping Christians draw near to God, they are reinforcing the barrier of sin that interrupts their relationship with God. However, their guilt-free brand of Christianity not only burdens guilty people with more guilt, but also strips away the only means to alleviate the guilt of sin-confession. Why seek forgiveness when you already have it? After all, a healthy Christian doesn't experience guilt because he understands Christ's total forgiveness.

They say that to pray for forgiveness reveals unbelief. Yet there are some today who, because they fail to comprehend the extent of divine forgiveness, deny the clear teaching of 1 John 1:9 and teach other to do the same. It holds forth the comforting promise of forgiveness and cleansing for all of us who have struggled with guilt in this sin-stained world. That is one of the first verses many new Christians memorize-and rightly so. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness - 1 John 1:9.